PROLEUM — it is a project of Petroleum Trading company — marketplace, bringing together the suppliers and buyers of hydrocarbons, which allows to choose the best terms of the conclusion of transactions, thanks for blockchain, algorithms and artificial intelligence.
Prometheus —
— in the world market
of petroleum
About the Product
On the PROLEUM platform the blockchain technology and the system of "smart" contracts controls transactions in the automatic mode. There is no human factor - only impartial digital systems. The buyer receives goods, the supplier - money. Simply, instantly, safely.
Actively developing blockchain-based technology will make it possible to enter into transactions as efficiently as possible, and thus quickly and profitably and absolutely safe!
to change the Russian and world oil products market thanks to the advanced IT technologies: blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotic business processes.»
Implementation distributed ledger technology to the conservative fuel sector will allow to change and as much as possible and to simplify thebtrade operations and document flow, to optimize expenses of all participants of oil products market.Furthermore, using of technologies of artificial intelligence and a blockchain reduce risk of mistakes because of a human factor.
PROLEUM in numbers
ton sold
Project map
The buyer of the wholesale supply of petroleum products found out about the perfect system of concluding deals and wanted to join it.
The buyer enters into an agreement to join the PROLEUM platform. "
The customer is registered in the PROLEUM system and gets access to the platform services and algorithms.
The buyer uses one of the possible interfaces to search for the best offer and conclude a smart contract for the purchase of petroleum products. From the start of the search to the transaction takes less than 5 minutes!
The buyer uses one of the possible interfaces to search for the best offer and conclude a smart contract for the purchase of petroleum products. From the start of the search to the transaction takes less than 5 minutes!
The buyer chose the product at the best price and entered into a smart contract, information about which fell into the core of PROLEUM.
The trader helps the buyer find and purchase goods at the best price, and also advises the buyer at all stages of the transaction through the blockchain platform.
Manufacturers put goods for sale in the PROLEUM system by providing quotes for all commodity items. This allows the buyer to choose among the best offers from plants connected to the system.
Accredited platform banks and credit institutions through the system make payments under contracts, as well as accept and approve applications for letters of credit.
Allows platform participants to check counterparties and assess risks in case of goods being provided with deferred payment or buyer crediting at calculated credit limits. At the same time, a request to the system for evaluating the counterparty can be submitted as banks, for lending transactions or issuing guarantees for transactions, suppliers, for providing goods with deferred payment, buyers, for receiving offers on crediting and deferred payment.
A self-learning neural network, which, based on the statistics and external data collected by the platform, allows you to build predictive models of future prices for all offered items and commodity items. This algorithm analyzes the market, monitors important events and reports them to the user.
The algorithm for selecting current prices collects exchange trading information in order to analyze and select the best offer on the market.
The algorithm allows you to analyze the proposed purchase and sale prices on the basis of current quotes received from manufacturers, traders or stock exchanges, for the entire line of products and which analyzes the markets and makes recommendations for transactions, choosing the best offer for the user from all available.
The algorithm for selecting current prices receives information on tariffs for the delivery of petroleum products in all regions and adds this information to the final offer for the buyer of petroleum products.
All transaction processing takes place through smart contracts of the PROLEUM private blockchain network. And participants in the blockchain platform have network nodes (blockchain nodes) and store all information on transactions, ensuring the safety of the distribution registry.
PROLEUM solves
Accelerates the transaction
reliability of transactions
Reduces costs
on transactions
Provides a unique client experience using artificial intelligence
Increases the efficiency
of transactions
Provides easy access and connection to the system
Ensures the legality of transactions and the absence of problems with accounting and tax laws
How to join PROLEUM
Your actions for using of the platform are minimum - it is only 3 steps. You can carry out the purchase of oil products and LPG directly from your smartphone in any place, comfortable for you and at any time. It is necessary to sign the Additional Agreement on use of the PROLEUM platform to the Supply Contract with LLC Petroleum Trading.
Sign the application for accession to the PROLEUM regulation
Sign a framework agreement with Petroleum Trading
Connect the PROLEUM bot in one of the messengers and write "Hello" to him
You are registered in the system and now you can conclude transactions.
How to make a blockchain transaction?
After receiving the offer to buy, click the “confirm” button. The platform will form a blockchain contract.
To confirm the conclusion of the contract, click the “Buy” button. The blockchain contract is concluded and saved in the PROLEUM network.
You need only to pay a bill which will be sent to your e-mail address together with reference to conditions of Blockchain contract.
The supplier of petroleum products and LPG assumes all other obligations before the shipment of the goods.
Whether the Blockchain transactions are legal?
Transactions with using of Blockchain technologies for legal consequences have nothing different from usual transactions which assume using of papers. Clients who choose this modern way of signing of the contracts have no risk and transactions are valid and have legal force.
How to confirm the Blockchain transactions?
Blockchain transaction unlike usual are made only in an electronic form therefore as confirmation of their commission the Client can provide to bank the agreement to work on blockchain + screenshot of the letter from us with information about the perfect transaction (the amount, the price and other basic parameters) + to send to the bank the reference according to which the employee of the bank will be able to pass and look at transaction parameters.
Is there a judicial practice on which it is possible to rely at justification of legitimacy of such transactions?
On May 27, 2019 the Arbitration court of the Omsk region officially recognized the transaction on sale of oil products by the Blockchain as legitimate, it is reported in the resolution of the court: « Under the specified circumstances the court recognizes the requirements of LLC Petroleum Trading as lawful, substantiated and subject to satisfaction in full».
It is the first-ever precedent of such scale concerning the conclusion of transactions on the Blockchain by means of smart contracts and the digital signature.
Maxim Dyachenko, the Managing partner of LLC Petroleum Trading commented the judgment: « Certainly it is important historical event on the way of digitalization of Russian economy — the first judicial precedent in a scope of the Blockchain. It is indicative that existing legislation is quite enough to introduce innovations in industrial scale, so far the law on cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain are in development».
If at the conclusion of the transaction there was a mistake or you want to refuse?
If you press «Accept» by mistake and the Contract was created, you can refuse. As soon as possible, you need to report about it to your trader, and to send the notice of refusal in response to the letter, come from the e-mail: till 17:00 o'clock Moscow time of the present day.
What to do if you need to report before banks about the basis of transactions?
Blockchain transaction unlike usual are made only in an electronic form therefore as confirmation of their commission the Client can provide to bank the agreement to work on a blockchain + screenshot of the letter from us with information about the perfect transaction (the amount, the price and other basic parameters) + to send to the bank the reference according to which the employee of the bank will be able to pass and look at transaction parameters.
If you need the notary signature when (during) signing the Additional Agreement??
We understand that signing of the additional agreement can cause a number of inconveniences for you at present. Nevertheless, further you will be able to refuse paperwork, and contracts for all following deliveries will be carried out by means of smart contacts.

A convenient option for concluding deals, very often I am on business trips and thanks to PROLEUM th...
To read

A convenient option for concluding deals, very often I am on business trips and thanks to PROLEUM there is an opportunity to quickly complete a transaction.

Aldiz LLC
The impressions of working with the use of blockchain technology and the PROLEUM platform are only p...
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Aldiz LLC
The impressions of working with the use of blockchain technology and the PROLEUM platform are only positive. Simplicity, convenience and reliability of data storage. Everything suits me.

Transport LLC
Very convenient, you can quickly pee the application from anywhere.
To read

Transport LLC
Very convenient, you can quickly pee the application from anywhere.

Ust-Donetsknefteprodukt LLC
Good thing, no need to mess with papers, you can sign a contract outside the office.
To read

Ust-Donetsknefteprodukt LLC
Good thing, no need to mess with papers, you can sign a contract outside the office.

Armavir-Oil Product LLC
We are a user of the PROLEUM blockchain platform. The service is quite satisfactory, since the proce...
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Armavir-Oil Product LLC
We are a user of the PROLEUM blockchain platform. The service is quite satisfactory, since the process of concluding transactions has become as reliable and fast as possible! We are grateful for the created conditions for work!
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